
Want To Own A Revolutionary And Cool Fashionable Mask?

Amidst this ongoing pandemic, we have been facing many issues that have impacted both our personal and social life. Nowadays, whenever we go out, we see faces that are covered with masks. So, most of the time, we are unable to identify people we pass through due to the masks. The New York Times journalist, Jacey Fortin also put forward an enthralling question.

As many of us step out wearing face masks, we are all “missing a small but important social lubricant: the smile”. “In anxious times, we may want to put neighbors, mail carriers, store clerks, and others at ease with a casual smile. But if smiles can’t be seen, how do you greet people? How do you reassure them

Jacey Fortin (Journalist, he New York Times)

Problem Statement:

Now in the tough times, we are compelled to go out and work because of the financial crisis that we are facing due to the pandemic. Due to the restriction and also keeping in mind about our safety, we are bound to wear a mask if we have to go out. So, we all purchased masks and started wearing them due to obvious reasons, for our safety. In simple words, to protect ourselves from the virus and other elements like pollutants.

Now here-in lies the problem with the masks. The sizes of the masks are standard that most of the time are very loose or tight. This is very uncomfortable to wear. Also, wearing a tight mask for a long time might cause breathing and other skin problems. Not to forget that it will be difficult to recognize people as they will be wearing masks.

Our Questions have been answered!

A team of engineers and creative professionals from Milan, Italy addressed these issues. They came up with an amazingly crafted and featured packed mask called CLIU mask.


Source: CLIU official site

CLIU mask unlike any other ordinary mask is an out-of-the-box design technology mask. Why do we say out-of-the-box? Let us give you brief information about CLIU mask.

CLIU mask is light, transparent, elegant, and most importantly safe for use. You can go wear this mask for a long time while outside and still won’t face any breathing issues due to its elegant and light-weight design. The mask is transparent, so, people will be able to identify you and also feel your gratitude when you smile. This answers Jacey Fortin’s question.

Design and features:

What makes this mask astounding is, you can connect the mask to your smartphone with the help of an application which is available in app stores. The applications display multiple information such as surrounding air quality, usage, heartbeat, and also “Find my mask” feature. Also, it comes built-in with an accelerometer, microphone, and Bluetooth.

CLIU mask comes with an active carbon filter that filters out outside elements. Once your CLIU mask discharges, you can charge it. It has UV based technology that automatically disinfects the mask. It takes around one hour to completely charge the mask’s battery.

CLIU mask Design

CLIU mask comes in two variants, standard, and pro. CLIU mask is available in three sizes, L– large, M– medium, S– small.

CLIU mask Size

Standard CLIU mask:

Standard CLIU mask comes along with 3 filters and a manual. A standard mask is a normal mask and does not possess Bluetooth connectivity. It is just like a normal mask but with transparency features and active carbon filters.

Standard CLIU mask in-box

Pro CLIU mask:

Pro CLIU mask comes along with 3 filters, Bluetooth connectivity, 2 magnetic frames, standard charger, and a manual. This mask also gives you the benefit to choose the options available for mask color and frame color of your own.

Pro CLIU mask in-box

One product, Many features:

One-product, Multiple features


CLIU mask is elegant, light-weight, safe, and also is sustainable and technology-centric.

This mask could kick-off a revolution in mask manufacturing industries and change people’s mindset about wearing a mask and their safety.

For more information on CLIU mask, you can visit CLIU website.

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